Row Home

This Row home, occupied by a married couple with one child, contains a living space and a retail element. A shoe store is located at the bottom of the building and is attached to the basement. This storefront has an open facade to display all the merchandise. In total, there are three entrances to the row home. Two entries are reserved for customers, one being the open facade and the other being the tapered entrance. The open facade is utilized for any customer that wants to come into the shoe store. The tapered entry is utilized by celebrities or any individuals visiting that require more privacy while getting to the modeling room. The last entrance is strictly for the family and their access to the home. This is located between the two customer entrances. The Master bedroom contains an open facade that allows the family to connect to the environment directly. The Gaming room is shifted on an angle to feature a billboard externally that will feature products and events. In addition, the family has roof access through the kitchen.

Entrance Perspective

Interior View of Game Room

Section Perspective

Ground Floor Plan

Level II Floor Plan

Roof Floor Plan


B2O | Between Land & Sea


High Rise Studio Tower